Special Issue, Stanislaw Ulam 1909-1984

Cover and Contents (PDF 1.2Mb)
Esquisse (219Kb)
Vita, Polish Years (PDF 3.6Mb)
The Lost Cafe (PDF 431Kb)
From Above the Fray, (PDF 223Kb)
The Ulam Legacy - Mathematics (1.1Mb)
The Spirit of Play (725Kb)
Probability and Nonlinear Systems, (PDF 2.0Mb)
Iteration of Maps, Strange Attractors, and Number Theory,an Ulamian Potpourri, (PDF 913Kb)
Learning from Ulam, Measurable Cardinals, Ergodicity, Biomathematics, (PDF 526Kb)
A Similarity Measure for Graphs - Reflections on a Theme of Ulam (545Kb)
The Ulam Legacy - Physics (PDF 399Kb)
The Beginnning of the Monte Carlo Method (435Kb)
Stan Ulam, John von Neumann, and the Monte Carlo Method (1.0Mb)
Early Work in Numerical Hydrodynamics (14Kb)
Instabilities & Turbulence (PDF 1.5Mb)
Discrete Fluids (PDF 2.4Mb)
Nonlinear Science from Paradigms to Practicalities (PDF 1.4Mb)
The Ergodic-Hypothesis, A Complicated Problem in Mathematics and Physics (PDF 386Kb)
The Ulam Legacy - Biology (PDF 281Kb)
Reflections on the Brain's Attempts to Understand Itself (PDF 99Kb)
Sequence Analysis - Contributions by Ulam to Molecular Genetics (214Kb)
The Ulam Touch - Unpublished Items - A Memorable Memo (511Kb)
Sub Rosa, A Trialogue (PDF 77Kb)
Conversations with Rota (90Kb)
Publications of Stanislaw M. Ulam (71Kb)


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